The Gospel Herald - Promoting the fundamentals of the 1888 message.
Divine Discontent

Lucifer was once an honored angel, a cherub. He was perfect in beauty, full of wisdom, and was admitted to the holy mountain of God, where he walked in the midst of the stones of fire. He was in Eden, the garden of God, of which the one on earth was evidently a copy. His ways were perfect, and God gave him the work of "covering," and also anointed him.

But Lucifer was not satisfied. He was envious of God, he became lifted up because of his beauty; he corrupted his wisdom because of his brightness, and decided upon a course which he hoped would make him equal to God. He went so far that he said, "I am a God, I sit in the seat of God."

To this philosophy some may object, and ask, "Does not a Christian have a right to make a complaint and to attempt to have a wrong adjusted! To this we answer that as a citizen he has the same right as airy other citizen, and that not only has he a right, but at times it is his duty to make every possible effort to have an injustice corrected. As a Christian, however, he must be careful lest his attempt to right matters centers about himself only. When others are having a hard time, when others 'are discriminated against, is he as anxious to have their cases heard as he is to have his own! Or is he merely working for selfish interests and letting others take care of themselves! For a Christian these are viral matters. Unless he can show that he has appeared as often in the defense of others as he has for himself, it would be well for him to examine his motives. No Christian looks out for himself alone. The golden rule has a higher aim.

It may be well to state, however, that there is such a thing as proper discontent, or, as it is sometimes called, divine discontent. This discontent however, is as fat removed from the ordinary discontent as heaven is from earth. We are to be content with such things as we have, but we are never to be content with what we are.

Higher, ever higher, must be the aim of the Christian. He must never rest satisfied with present attainments. As soon as he has reached one goal he must set for himself a higher one. As soon as he has won one victory he must plan for a still more aggressive campaign. He must ever press forward to the mark which Christ has set for him. Never must he rest, day or night, if he would perfect holiness in the fear of God.

This divine discontent is commendable in the sight of God. And yet, how men have turned things upside down! They are satisfied with themselves and discontented with almost everything else. Such a state is dangerous, even fatal. We need to pray God to arouse us from our lethargy. Discontent was one of the first sins in heaven.

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